Carbon Footprint Image
Tuesday 31st October

PASMA reduce their carbon footprint

PASMA are actively trying to reduce their carbon footprint in the long term meaning they are making multiple changes across the board.

Did you know?

PASMA recently announced from the 1st of September all of their photocards are now made from 99% recycled materials, before this impressive upgrade they were only 50% recycled plastic!

In addition to this, within the last couple of years PASMA also decided to stop printing certificates to save on paper, these can now be downloaded online instead. All training centres can now also download and print any assessment booklets,  test papers and guides all from the portal meaning there is less demand for paperwork delivery’s.

On top of this, they are reducing the need for unnecessary travel, meaning audits are now taking place remotely!

We have recently had our latest remote PASMA audit and have passed with flying colours, which was a great end to a week!

PASMA Training - Huntingdon Depot

Find out more

If you are in need of some training, contact one of our depots on the numbers below.

0191 236 7120

01480 891 581