Warren Access donate HInowa Spiderlift to Red Sky Foundation for their Red Sky Ball
Tuesday 14th March

Setting up the Red Sky Ball

The Northeast's charity event of the year!

Last weekend we had the pleasure of helping with the North East’s charity event of the year, the Red Sky Ball. It raised over £100,000 to help babies and children suffering from heart problems in the Northeast.

It’s the second year we have donated our 17m Hinowa 17.75 spider lift to assist with the set up of the PA and lighting systems ready for the red sky ball. Here it is in action at the Beacon of Light in Sunderland.

Warren Access Tracked Hinowa Spider

We would like to say a big thank you to Sergio Petrucci, Founder of the Red Sky Foundation, for giving us the opportunity to play our part in the event, and well done to all involved; what a brilliant outcome!

The Red Sky Foundation

The Red Sky Foundation is a fantastic charity raising money for equipment, facilities and essential aftercare for the Children’s Heart Unit at Newcastle’s Freeman Hospital, Sunderland Royal Hospital, and James Cook Hospital in Teesside. They are also working to increase the number of defibrillators available throughout the Northeast, so everyone can access the lifesaving devices should they need one.

Find out more on the Red Sky Foundation website.